Saturday 25 February 2012

Sketches and more

Started off by drawing heads and arm parts. I like them all and the stuff that i've drawn for these.

Just some arms and a quick robot start. Don't like it much though.

Tried a clockwork style robot and thought it was alright.

Started with the screw and went from there. Don't really know what it is... maybe an arm, I don't know.

More doodles and a crappy silhouette. An artists name in the top right (if you didn't see it).

This is actually the second part of the drawing, I wanted to put a body to the head, but not this one.

After watching Feng Zhu's DVD, i decided to do some thumbnail sketches, They're alright I guess.

This was the head first, I liked it so scanned it in and put it into Photoshop.

I inked the drawing out so I could continue forward.

I put a base colour of red and white for the robot.

I've now added the eye lights to add more to it.

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