Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Domo arigato

Not finished but i'm tired so this is it. It's a robocop from the future, because it's a robot, and robots don't live now so that's why it's in the future...

Going back over my work, I really wished I had done more to this piece and not left it cel shaded. I think this could have been a lot better with the right paint and texture. I did add some police logos onto it to make it more robocop than before though.

Drop that base colour

The base colour for the final robot. Looks aight, quite happy with it.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

A 3D piece...WWWHHHAAATTT!!!!!!

Thought i'd do some 3D as there isn't any on my blog. Started a quick robot similar to one of my drawings. This took about 5-7 mins to do so far. Hopefully, if I can finish it, I will UV and texture the final one.

Blue robot

I've drawn a quick robot as a design really. It's not yet finished, especially the left side but I really like how it looks at the moment.


Watched Feng Zhu's DVD and really liked his stuff so I decided to do some myself. I really like the top right one, it has a Big Daddy look to but I want to change the legs as they're not amazing.

I'll do some more at a later point.

Sketches and more

Started off by drawing heads and arm parts. I like them all and the stuff that i've drawn for these.

Just some arms and a quick robot start. Don't like it much though.

Tried a clockwork style robot and thought it was alright.

Started with the screw and went from there. Don't really know what it is... maybe an arm, I don't know.

More doodles and a crappy silhouette. An artists name in the top right (if you didn't see it).

This is actually the second part of the drawing, I wanted to put a body to the head, but not this one.

After watching Feng Zhu's DVD, i decided to do some thumbnail sketches, They're alright I guess.

This was the head first, I liked it so scanned it in and put it into Photoshop.

I inked the drawing out so I could continue forward.

I put a base colour of red and white for the robot.

I've now added the eye lights to add more to it.

Mood boards

I really like the CreatureBox robots. The way they get a curvy look to them is really cool, and the way they add character to each drawing is amazing.

This is an artist myself and Charlie found in the latest ImagineFX magazine. His name is Calum Alexander Watt and his images are amazing. The use of colour especially is amazing.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012


The finished Sperm Egg, Surreal pic. I like how the planet has turned out at the bottom and how the lighting looks on the image. I'm still not too sure on how the hand looks but I still like it even if it is the weirdest picture I've done and have no idea where the thought for it came from.

 So yeah, I was bored so I drew a face which was small.
 I then made it really big.
Then I used a load of small ones to make a big one. It is FACEPTION!!!

The ideas that will never be...

These are all ideas. There isn't a final piece for this surreal brief because it pissed me off too much so i'm not doing it. These are all concepts that I had ideas for but wont work for me so they'r just concepts.

This is called "Flying penguins" simply because they are just flying penguins in a desert. Surreal enough for ya, I hope so.

This was a cool idea I had which didn't go any further than this. I wanted to have a face that was young on one side and aged until it dissolved into sand. I was going to call it "The sands of time"

This ones called "Time stands still". It's just a giant sand timer shadowing a man in a desert, because most surreal pictures are in a desert for some reason. This wasn't finished simply because I didn't know how I was going to finish it.

Finally we have, "The stairway to Heaven" which started well but died, like my enthusiasm for it.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Mood board

I chose a big range of images for this mood board. I particularly like the man with the leaves coming off of him. I think I might go towards that kind of drawing.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Final piece.

I slightly rushed it towards the end but yeah, here it is. (The hand still annoys me).

Sorry they're late

These are just study drawings from other images. I did them just to get the feel of how i should draw them.

This is a start of one of my drawings using a mix of the study drawings. I decided I didn't really like it that much and decided to draw something else.

I then started drawing this and liked how it was going and so continued with it.

I decided to change the hand to a salute instead of just waving because it made it look better to me but the hand still pisses me off looking at it.

I continued through though and came up with this coloured version of the image.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Mood Board

For the war brief, I wanted to push myself a bit and decided to try and do a pin-up girl  as I havn't really done any woman drawings before. I also looked at doing a mech in 3D as I havn't done a brief in 3D before either.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Final self portrait

My final image (maybe add stuff to it later). I made it look as close to me as I could. I think it turned out looking really good, my colouring is not amazing, I need to work on that but i'm really happy with how this turned out. :)

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Wind Waker Me.

These are side images for the self portrait brief. I chose to do this because i'm a huge fan of the Zelda franchise and especially the game Wind Waker. The style is awesome and so I decided to draw myself in the style.

Initial drawings

I did a few drawings in different styles to see which kind of drawing I wanted to do. I did small sketches of my facial parts to get a feel of what where the points that needed to be focused on.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Mood boards/Inspiration

These are the styles of art I really like and think really show of characteristics of and facial expressions really well. The top images are the concept art for Batman Arkham City, and i really love the style in which the characters are painted as well as the way they look. The bottom picture are of three different artists, Steve McNiven, Carlos D'anda and John Romita Jr.